Past Events-

Events of 2018

  1. Workshop on Amazon Web Services -

One another successful event has come to an end!!!!
ACM student chapter organised a workshop in AWS which came to an end today.
We all are heartiest thankful to MR. SHUBHAM SHARMA for his excellent inputs and dedication towards the students which made this workshop an another successful event.
We are also thankful to the student for their active participation in the event and hope that this workshop will become a great boon in their future.
Hope tou all have enjoyed the workshop and we'll get you all again in our next event which will be coming soon.


ACM STUDENT CHAPTER organized an Expert talk on WLAN Security And CYBER SECURITY presented by Mr. Guru Raj (Young Scientist awardee for International travel Grants from ITS-SERB,DST, Government of India in December 2016).
Students were found very interactive with the speaker . They got great knowledge in the field of WLAN and Cyber Security. There was also a hands-on session on Cyber Security after the expert talk in which selected students get the opportunity to know how things happen in the field of Cyber Security.
The overall outcome of the event was excellent . All the students participant in the talk and hands-on session actively.

  1. Clash Of Geeks -

Clash of Geeks organised by ACM chapter to explore the potential of students in programming. There were two rounds for this event , first was screening round in which 50 teams were selected for final round based on the passing criteria and in the final round students were given compex problems and they have to solve the programming questions in C/C++ environment on hackerrank. Students took their time and submit their solutions. From the selected 50 teams two teams were declared as the winners of this event first and second respectively.


Ist prize - GUNEET GARG and AYUSH SINGLA (4th sem)
2nd prize - VIPUL POPLI and KUNAL PAHWA (4th sem)

  1. Industrial Visit to NITTTR,Chandigarh -

IE(I) Student Chapters, ACM, IEEE Student Chapter of Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized an industrial visit to National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research(NITTTR), Chandigarh on 29 March 2018. Three faculty members of department and 37 students of ACM, IE(I) and IEEE visited the site.

NITTTR had hosted an international conference with delegates from all over the world. The Chief Guest for the conference was Dr A.R Rao, Director NIPER Mohali. Dr BiplabSikdar (National University of Singapore, Singapore) , Dr. MD Mamun (UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) and Prof S.S. Pattnaik (Director-NITTTR, Chandigarh) were some of the delegates that attended the conference. There were four different talks on Future of Technology and Cyber Security